Children's riding, getting to know the horses
What does Riding develop?
It helps maintain health, improves the body’s oxygen and blood supply, helps with concentration, increases the body’s resilience and relieves anxiety.
Moving in the fresh air is especially important for children today!
It develops endurance, shapes muscles, improves posture and has a good effect on our mental health.
The horse introduces us to nature.
Riding relieves everyday stress and teaches determination.
Through it, perseverance and humility can be learned.
So, to list all the things that would be enough in itself to be a pedagogically recommended leisure activity for children, Riding even has a feature that sets it apart from other sports:
The Rider must work with a LIVE-SENSITIVE animal / companion.
"The partnership between horse and man elevates riding above all other sports."
So riding is not an individual sport, as the horse and its rider always form a team.
The rider can never focus only on himself, he is forced to take into account the interests of another living being, the horse.
"Perhaps riding children develop the most sense of responsibility, without any external factors."
Horseback riding and horse classes are recommended to all people born on earth!
-Learn, where the knowledge base is infinite.-
/Erika Gyalai-Nagy/